
in3D Geoscience Inc. was founded in 2010 by Todd Ballantyne, P.Geo. to offer geophysical consulting services. Mr. Ballantyne has 37 years of Canadian and International mineral exploration experience.

in3D strives to maximize each client’s ability to integrate, visualize, interpret and extract value from their exploration data in3D. The goal is professional service that provides geophysical interpretation and recommendations communicated in an effective and understandable manner.

in3D strives to meet the individual needs of each client and offer services and support that would be expected from an in-house geophysicist.

The value of geophysics is a realized when the data are acquired, presented and utilized in an approachable, effective and understandable manner. Geophysics plays a key role in mineral exploration. Geophysics and geology are directly linked through physical rock properties as they pertain to lithologies and alteration.

in3D Geoscience services exploration projects world-wide and is based in Gabriola, BC, just west of Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Experience Highlights

Years Experience

*Since 2010